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VUNO Med®-Chest X-ray™

Version 1.1.2

Company HQ: 

Republic of Korea

Download Product Profile

Last Updated:

15th May 2023

VUNO Med-Chest X-ray is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based diagnostic supporting solution for chest X-ray. The solution accurately and instantly detects five of the most common thoracic findings such as nodule/mass, pneumothorax, interstitial opacity, pleural effusion, and consolidation and can therefore support doctors with the diagnosis of major lung diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia based on a combination of the findings.
Although pneumonia and tuberculosis detection functions have been developed, they are currently only available for demo or research purposes (approved for K-FDA). The pneumonia and tuberculosis diagnosis functions are expected to be CE-approved in 2024.


VUNO Med-Chest X-ray: MFDS (K-FDA) approved, CE certified, Ministry of Health of Malaysia, Saudi Food and Drug Authority(SFDA), FDA Thailand, Taiwan (TFDA)

Development Stage

On the Market


On-device (Offline)
On-premise (Intranet)
Cloud (Online)

Intended Age Group

19+ years

Target Setting

Primary health centers, general hospital (above primary level), teleradiology companies, government/public sector, e.g. national TB programme, private sector

Current Market

Asia, Europe


Chest X-ray image format: DICOM
Chest X-ray type: posterior-anterior chest X-ray, anterior-posterior chest X-ray



Result: Original image, Result image (Contour, Heatmap, Combined), Secondary Capture(SC) Report, Encapsulated PDF Report, Text Report

Specification of the location of each abnormality.

Chest abnormalities detected by the product for which a separate abnormality score is given include Nodule/Mass, Consolidation, Interstitial Opacity, Pleural effusion, and Pneumothorax.

Detects Tuberculosis (TB) and Pneumonia. (for research)

Lung findings included in tuberculosis: Nodule and Consolidation

Lung findings included in pneumonia: Consolidation and Interstitial Opacity.


Requirements can vary depending on the business model. Please contact for further information.


VUNO Med-Chest X-ray leverages Amazon Web Services Cloud for the online product. A local or national server can be set up if required.



Requirements can vary depending on the business model. Please contact for further information.

Integration with X-ray Systems

Integration with PACS and Legacy Systems

VUNO Med-Chest X-Ray can be integrated with any DICOM-capable system, including but not limited to legacy picture archiving and communication systems and x-ray console systems. Furthermore, it provides a set of REST APIs that other solutions can use for integration. Some systems integrated with VUNO Med-Chest X-Ray include - INFINITT PACS, Samsung GM85, Taeyoung PACS, etc.

It is possible to integrate the product with the client’s legacy picture archiving and communication system (PACS) at no additional fee.


Please contact for further information.

Processing Time

It takes less than 5 seconds to analyse one DICOM image.

Data Sharing & Privacy

Server location (for online product)
VUNO Med-Chest X-ray leverages Amazon Web Services Cloud for online product. A local or national server can be set up if required.
Data are not shared with the developer.
There is an option to de-identify data. VUNO Med-Chest X-ray only receives patient ID and study date.


Please contact for further information.

Software Updates

Can vary depending on the business model. Please contact for further information. There is no price differentiation for private and public sector.

Product Development Method

Supervised deep learning (CNN, RNN)


120 000 adult chest X-rays

Reference Standard

Computed tomography (CT), human reader


Sung, J., Park, S., Lee, S.M. et al. Added Value of Deep Learning-based Detection System for Multiple Major Findings on Chest Radiographs: A Randomized Crossover Study. Radiology. 2021;299(2):450-459.

Kim, YG., Cho, Y., Wu, CJ. et al. Short-term Reproducibility of Pulmonary Nodule and Mass Detection in Chest Radiographs: Comparison among Radiologists and Four Different Computer-Aided Detections with Convolutional Neural Net. Sci Rep. 2019;9:18738.

Park, S., Lee, S.M., Lee, K.H. et al. Deep learning-based detection system for multiclass lesions on chest radiographs: comparison with observer readings. Eur Radiol. 2020;30:1359–1368.

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